
Salesforce Data Loader

In today’s digital age of the internet of things (IoT), huge volumes of data constantly flow into an organization via mobiles, laptops, scanners, operational and transaction systems, and inbound and outbound customer contact points. Such data is invaluable, and its importance is specific to each organization. Without the ability to successfully manage data, an organization might miss potential opportunities for growth. Proper analysis of data is essential for making faster and better decisions. Effective data management is vital for organizations to analyze data, remove duplicate and inaccurate information, and maintain reliable data. “Master data management is an important investment for organizations as a new generation of hybrid computing emerges where data is distributed across new silos of software as a service (SaaS), applications, big data repositories, and NoSQL and relational databases in the cloud, on-premises, and in containers and server less environments.” – Stewart Bon...

Salesforce Data Loader

Salesforce data loader is a client-based application used to upload bulk records into the Salesforce CRM. Now of course, when the users need to upload a limited number of records, they go with the casual way of uploading – .csv file format.  Salesforce data loader can be used when dealing with huge amounts of data, say about five million records. It offers users the capabilities to insert, update, ‘upsert’ (insert and update), delete and export records from in and out of the Salesforce org. Here are some best practices that come in handy when loading data using Salesforce data loader: Understand the Database Schema When uploading large amounts of data, the database schema can have thousands of records, hundreds of parent-child relationships and several self/circular references.While some references can be easy to handle, some can be difficult. Understanding this database schema can help map data accurately when using Salesforce data loader. Creating Templates for Objects Ob...

Salesforce Data Loader for an Efficient Customer Data Management

Salesforce Data Loader  Allows you to efficiently move and manage data in your Salesforce CRM. Data Management without Salesforce Data Loader If managing the data in Salesforce CRM has not been a priority for you, it might be time to reconsider. Duplicate or inaccurate data add up to real costs that directly affect your company’s bottom line. For example, money and effort spent on contacting potential customers with duplicate records as well as losing vital contact information due to accidental deletions can be a big deal for your company. It is important to have a robust database management strategy. Poor database management can impact your company in several ways, including: Bad Customer Contacts Data Costs You Business Have you ever received repeated calls from a company selling you something or just informing you about their product? That’s one of the problems of poor database management. You might have solved the problem by blocking a caller, but you don’t want yo...